3genx - Using one social problem to remedy another.

4131 Colorado Ave No
Crystal, MN 55422


Monday - Friday
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


Seniors Services and Programs

Seniors Services and Programs (8)

Seniors Volunteer Network


This Organization is dedicated to helping seniors understand the impact they can have on their community by doing just one simple thing, volunteering. The American Baby Boom generation represents the largest untapped pool of potential volunteers for the nonprofit community in recent history, according to a new study. By asking someone to volunteer, you are reaching out to them and involving them in the community. Senior volunteers in America possess experience, expertise and time that can greatly benefit any organization or cause. While some volunteers work to build houses and clean roads, there are a wide variety of other volunteer opportunities in every community. Simply talking with someone in need of a friend or spending time with a child has a benefit that resonates for a lifetime.

The property acquisition program will be employed to provide housing for the Young adults and Single parent individual’s home mortgage and finance program, property flips, and Senior and handicapped compatible placement programs etc.

Provide a full-service intergenerational daycare program to all students with children and at no cost. Daycare facilities will be located in each of the seniors subsidized housing units. Intergenerational preschool-daycare has been done before and with much success. They are often instrumental in revitalizing the elderly. They give each other complete acceptance and often form wonderful relationships. It also gives the elderly an extra reason to get up in the morning and is considered by many to be therapeutic.

Because of the popularity of multi-story home designs living accommodations on one floor units which allow easy accessibility are few and far between. For those seeking subsidized senior housing a two to five year waiting list is not uncommon. Some senior and/or handicapped individuals who because of their physical or financial situation may be eligible for various deferred loan programs, reverse mortgages. The subsidized housing program may be used as a gateway for the property acquisition program. This service is designed to assist couples - individuals who may be interested in home share.

Seniors Time Barter Service Exchange Program

Seniors Time Barter Service Exchange Program: The retirement community is a vast warehouse of knowledge and experience. The desire to help others less fortunate is a major motivation for seniors to volunteer. Giving back to society, either financially or socially, are also major motivations for volunteerism among seniors. Over one-third of senior volunteers reported that they volunteered because they wanted to give back to society some of the benefits they received individually; they wanted to Senior citizens make up an increasing proportion of the population of this country.

Seniors Term Life Program

Lifelong care at no cost to the senior/handicapped     homeowners who are living on a fixed income and physically or financially unable to maintain the responsibilities associated with home ownership. Provide seniors with a variety of social and senior work services specifically designed to complement the aging process. The cost of all services, home maintenance, lawn care, winter home care, assisted living are applied in the form of a lien which can only executed at the time of their passing. 

Seniors Home Retirement and Catered Living Program

A full service senior care and support network. An innovation in seniors care systems makes it possible for the senior or handicapped to continue their quality of life-style and independence at no cost in the comfort and security of their homes.    

Seniors and Handicapped Compatible Placement Program

3genx has made available a Compatible Placement program. After a lifetime of companionship our seniors often find themselves all alone. Here the seniors can view and be viewed by others (via video application) where similar likes and dislikes are read in to a script allowing the senior/handicapped to view and be viewed for the Compatible placement - Subsidized housing and home share programs. Senior Compatible Placement program is a nationwide online homeshare service specifically for older adults. We help you find companionship, live more safely, and ease your finances. Many of our users are empty-nesters, widows, or widowers, who may have an especially difficult time adapting to life alone. Users can exchange emails (with notifications forwarded to their personal email) and decide whether someone has housemate potential.

We recognize that some members may not be entirely comfortable with technology, or may not have access to a computer or tablet. We have several ways to provide assistance:

  • Users may include a “helper” for their account – perhaps a friend or family member – who becomes a co-user, and can assist them with filling out the profile, even receiving copies of all messages.
  • We provide phone support (in addition to email and chat) that is staffed by other experts 55 and older, so that users who need our help feel more comfortable.
  • We will be actively engaging local intermediaries – public libraries, senior centers, churches and social service agencies – to assist their older constituents in using Senior Homeshares, and will provide them with marketing materials and user guides.


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